Ontario Math Test Prep Guide - Grade 6 (E-book)

  • Help your kids with the Gr. 6 EQAO Math Assessment at a low cost

  • Includes 10 practice tests

  • E-book for easy download

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  • Help your kids with the Gr. 6 EQAO Math Assessment at a low cost

  • Includes 10 practice tests

  • E-book for easy download

  • Help your kids with the Gr. 6 EQAO Math Assessment at a low cost

  • Includes 10 practice tests

  • E-book for easy download

View A Sample Chapter - Download Test 1 - Click Here

Subject: Math

Sub Topic: Test Prep Guide

Grade(s): 6

Description: This e-book was created to help Grade 6 students prepare for Ontario Standardized Testing, specifically the EQAO Mathematics Assessment Test. Please note that EQAO is a registered trademark of the Education Quality and Accountability Office and is an agency of the Government of Ontario. This product is not published by EQAO and is not intended to replace EQAO products.

The 10 practice tests were designed to be similar to the actual test the students will be taking. The questions are either multiple choice or open response so that students can get familiar with the question/answer format.

The first 5 tests each feature a different key math skill for targeted practice: number sense & numeration, patterning & algebra, measurement, geometry & spatial sense, and data management & probability. Students struggling in any of these areas will benefit from this skill-specific practice. The following 5 tests feature mixed math skills with questions that are a combination of all the math skills. There is no particular sequence to the tests. They can be used in whatever order you choose to fit your student's needs.

Number of Pages: 80

Answer Key: Yes

Delivery: E-book

Author/Creators Name: Ruth Solski, S & S Learning Materials / On The Mark Press

Authors/Creators Education: N/A

About the Creator: Ruth Solski was an educator for 30 years. She has written many educational resources and is the founder of S & S Learning Materials. As a writer, her main goal is to provide teachers with a useful tool that they can implement in their classrooms to bring the joy of learning to children.