Online Business Courses for Grade 12

Are you a high school student looking for online business courses? You may think that your course options are limited to what is offered at your local school, but you can sign up for online courses, including Grade 12 Online Business right here through EZ-Teach.

Keep reading to learn more! And click on each correspoding link to jump ahead.

  1. Online Courses For High Schoolers

  2. Online Business Courses  Available Through EZ-Teach

  3. Tips For Pursuing Higher Education Online

Whatever your learning goals are, chances are we have something for you at EZ-Teach. Browse our Curriculum, Online Courses, and ESL Online.


Preparing for college or university admissions? Consider taking a Grade 12 course online to explore your interests before committing to lengthy and expensive programs. (Image Source: Mohamed Hassan)

Online Business Courses in KW & Beyond

1. Online Courses For High Schoolers

From classes to workouts, there are many learning or social opportunities online these days. If you are in high school, you are likely thinking about what you want to do after graduation. Will you travel, take a year off, work, or apply for a college or university degree? There are so many adventures ahead of you!

If you aren’t sure what direction you want to go in the future, an online course might help you refine your goals. Here at EZ-Teach, we connect students to great teachers and curriculum. Here are some options from Waterloo Independent Secondary School (WISS) that we make available to you. Some of the courses may also count for OSSD (Ontario Secondary School Diploma) credit and/or University admission prerequisites. Contact us if you are interested in learning more. Or click on the links to read more about each course.

  • ESL (English as a Second Language)

While there are many online business courses available for senior high school students these days, let’s take a closer look at the course BBB4M INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS FUNDAMENTALS offered by WISS. This course will be of special interest to those who want to learn business content online.


2. Online Business Courses Available Through EZ-Teach

While EZ-Teach carries a variety of curriculum that can be purchased online, we also carry online courses from WISS. In this section of our blog, we’ll highlight the following Grade 12 course: BBB4M INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS FUNDAMENTALS, a course specifically designed to help students prepare for college and university.

This fundamentals course helps students learn more about :

  • The importance of international business / trade economy

  • Marketing

  • Distribution

  • Business Management

The 5 major units of study include:

  • Business, Trade and the Economy

  • The Global Environment for Business

  • Factors Influencing Success in International Markets

  • Marketing Challenges, Approaches, and Distribution

  • Cartography

To learn more about these units of studies or for a general outline of the course, click here. This is a great option for students preparing for business school because it's online and convenient, and you can fit it into your schedule.


Nowadays, students can pursue higher education completely online. (Image Source: Leo Fontes)

3. Tips For Pursuing Higher Education Online

Online Degrees Available

If you think that business may be a career field you wish to explore, then you might be interested to know that you can pursue higher education completely online. In this section of our blog, we have some tips on doing just that.

First, if you were reading this blog from the beginning, you’ll know that you can take an online Grade 12 Business course from WISS. However, you can also find other business programs online. Here are some examples:

Let’s consider, for example, Yorkville University's online business program. You could apply for a Bachelor of Business Administration with a specialization in Accounting and begin studies in January, April, July or October. The site even suggests that you might be eligible to complete it in under 3 years.

In this program, students will learn about the following key topics:

  • Accounting Policy

  • Financial Statement Analysis

  • Effective Decision-Making

  • Reporting

  • Planning, Coordinating, Evaluating and Monitoring Performance

As a final project, students complete a comprehensive auditing project. Both young and old students alike will learn the skills needed for starting or advancing their careers. Watch the video below to learn more about this exciting program.


Watch the video above and learn about the online business courses at Yorkville University.


Flexible Schedules

Another thing to think about when considering online studies is the fact that you may also have the flexibility in your schedule to work part-time in the business world. You can gain practical knowledge as well as theory. In doing so, you’ll also help refine your business education goals.

We recommend you work part time so you discover what aspects of business you enjoy and what you would prefer to avoid at all costs. For example, you might learn that you love human resources but entrepreneurship is something best left to others. Or vice-versa!

Experienced Professionals

Lastly, remember that when you study online business courses, you’ll often be learning alongside other professionals who already have life experience in the business realm. You can learn a lot from your professors, but also from your classmates. Take advantage of online opportunities to meet people with a wide range of personal and professional experiences.


EZ-Teach is committed to helping you find great curriculum, great teachers, and other educational resources so that you can reach your learning goals. (Image Source: Gerd Altmann)


Learn With EZ-Teach

EZ-Teach is a small business designed to assist readers like you in reaching your educational goals. Whether you are a teacher or student, we have all sorts of tips, resources, and curriculum to help enhance your education or that of your students or children.

If you questions about EZ-Teach or about WISS’s Online BBB4M INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS FUNDAMENTALS course for Grade 12 students, please contact us. We are happy to help!


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