Finding the Right Private ESL Tutor for You

In this blog, EZ-Teach will walk through the process of finding a private ESL tutor. There are many reasons why someone might look for tutoring. Tutoring can be helpful to international students soon writing language proficiency exams, for people interviewing for a job in an English-speaking country, for those who are adjusting to life in a new country, or for those who are looking to meet new English-speaking friends. A private ESL tutor is a great option because you get 1:1 attention that is tailored to your needs and learning styles.

Here’s what we recommend as you prepare to find a private ESL tutor:

  1. Do Your Research

  2. Compare Prices & Compatibility

  3. Talk to People

You can also explore ESL classes online with EZ-Teach. Click here to find an EZ-Teach ESL Tutor.


Tips For Finding a Private ESL Tutor

Thinking about starting lessons with a private ESL tutor? Here are some tips! (Image Source: Julia M Cameron)

1. Do Your Research

Sometimes we get so excited about a new opportunity that we forget to define our goals or weigh out the pros and cons of the opportunities presented to us. Before settling on a private ESL tutor to work with, take some time to reflect and do some research so you can establish a thorough comparison of the different companies and tutors.


Before you start your research, start by defining what you want. Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • What am I looking for in a an ESL company/tutor?

  • What are my goals and how can a tutor help me reach them?

  • How much money and time can I spend on tutoring?

  • When can I meet with my tutor?

  • What are the references saying about the ESL company/tutor?

  • What sort of commitments must I make when signing up for ESL classes?

  • Do I prefer to work individually or with a group?

  • Do I want to learn with a tutor in person or online?

We can’t answer all these questions for you as they are personal, but we can emphasize that doing your research and refining your goals will help you find the right fit when you choose an ESL company and tutor.


Research ESL companies and weigh the pros and cons before making your choice. (Image Source: Laker)



With your goals in mind, look up various company websites and explore them! Even if there are a couple ESL companies that interest you, that’s ok. At least you have some good options to start with and you’ll know more about what works best for you as you proceed forward towards making contact with ESL companies.

To go about researching, start by googling some keywords and search phrases. For example, you could try typing in "ESL tutors near me" or “private ESL tutor”. If you want in-person tutoring, add your city name; if you want online ESL tutoring, try “private ESL tutor online”.

You could also use local directories to find tutors or inquire of educational resource centers to find more information about tutoring near you.

Make a List

As you are researching companies, make a list of all the companies that you think may help you reach your goals and be a good fit. Grab a piece of paper or open a new document on your computer and start listing them all.

Make notes about how each company meets your criteria. Making a list helps you stay focused and organized. A list can be helpful to visual learners too. It can serve as a visual reminder and help you to remember what you learned about different companies, the pros and cons, or what you like/dislike.

Once you finish making notes about what the companies do and don’t offer, you can review your notes and see what company or companies will be most likely to suit you and your needs.


Making a list when researching private ESL tutors helps keep you on track. (Image Source:

2. Compare Prices & Compatibility

When researching a private ESL tutor, you’ll want to research these 2 things in particular: price and compatibility. Why? Because you want to invest your money wisely. Money may not be an issue for some, but most of us have limited extra cash and want to know that our money and efforts are well-spent.


According to, an average tutor’s hourly pay in Canada is $20/hour. By some, this is considered low as some tutors can cost up to $80/hour! There are many factors that influence the price of tutoring though, such as:

  • Subject being taught

  • Location of company/tutor

  • A company’s overhead fees

  • Qualifications of tutors

  • Reputation of company/tutor

  • Public’s familiarity with company/tutor

  • Experience of tutors

  • Outside funding

Since price can vary widely, ask yourself why. Also, ask yourself why you might be willing to spend more or less. Are you looking for conversation practice with a native English speaker or do you need English training that is field-specific (business, technology, etc.)?

You may not need to pay as high of prices for ESL tutoring if you are just looking for someone to help you with conversation and pronunciation. However, you may need to spend more money to find someone who is specifically trained in teaching ESL in certain sectors.


Keep searching for a company/tutor that is compatible with you and your goals. (Image Source: Pavel Danilyuk)



You don’t want to get sidetracked by price. While it is tempting to save money, don’t forget to find a company and tutor that is compatible with you and your goals. Someone you feel comfortable and compatible learning with is more likely to help keep you motivated as you reach for your goals. With the right match, you’ll want to keep learning and you’ll be excited and confident about your progress.

Also, remember, if you don’t find the right tutor right away, it’s okay! Keep searching. We are all unique and different and sometimes certain people and personalities work better together.

Looking for a tutor for your child? Here is an interesting article from US News: How to Find a Tutor For Your Child.


Search for a tutor that is compatible with your personality and learning style. (Image Source: fauxels)

3. Talk to People

As you look for a company/private ESL tutor that is compatible with you, you’ll probably be reading reviews. However, you’ll also want to begin talking to people yourself.

See if you can talk to someone from the business to get an idea of what they're like. It's hard to know what a tutor business is like unless you talk to them or see evidence of their work.

Who should you talk to? Here are some ideas…

  • Try reaching out to the company and talking with a representative.

  • Ask to speak to a tutor or send them an email.

  • Speak to other students who have worked with the company/tutor.

  • If you are a student, talk to your teachers to see if they have any suggestions.

  • If you are a parent, talk to your son/daughter’s teachers to see what they think.

Once you start having conversations, you’ll be able to get a better sense of what and who is compatible with you (or your son/daughter). You’ll also be able to further narrow down your choices and finally make a selection. You’ll also feel more confident about your decision having got some input from others!


Consider EZ-Teach for easy online ESL lessons with a tutor of your choice! (Image Source: Martine)


ESL With EZ-Teach

Why not consider EZ-Teach for your online ESL tutoring? We currently have 3 private ESL tutors to choose from, all with different credentials, life experiences, and personality styles! With EZ-Teach, you can sign up for monthly lessons at affordable prices. Registration is easy and schedules are flexible.

Looking for other educational resources? Click here. Also, if you are homeschooling, check out our curriculum!

Thanks for stopping by and reading our blog. Whether you are a parent, a teacher, or a learner of any age, we are happy to help you reach your goals. Please contact us if you have other questions.


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