How to Learn English

5 Tips

This EZ-Teach blog is a simple guide designed for those of you who want to learn how to learn English, or for those of you looking to help someone else learn English. Keep reading to learn more about the following 5 tips:

1. Go to an English Class or Find an English Tutor

2. Get a Workbook

3. Start Slowly

4. Practice Every Day

5. Practice by Speaking English Conversationally

We’ve also added some additional topics and answers to some common questions people have.

Other Questions/Topics:

A. How Can I Learn English by Myself?

B. How Can I Learn English Easily Step by Step

C. How a Beginner Should Start Learning English

D. How To Learn English Fast

And, if you are a new student, take note: EZ-Teach offers ESL LESSONS! Click here.


Take advantage of this guide and its 5 tips for how to learn English.

(Image Source: Tirachard Kumtanom)

An Easy Guide on How to Learn English

1. Go to an English Class or Find an English Tutor

Are you wondering how to learn English? Are you having trouble getting started and need motivation? Joining an English class or hiring a tutor is a great way to help you stay motivated and focused. Your teacher and classmates can do the following to help you with your learning:

  • Guide you in selecting appropriate study materials

  • Encourage you

  • Hold you accountable

  • Correct you and answer your questions

Even if you don’t do much work in between your classes or sessions, you will be less stressed about your progress knowing that you have set aside a dedicated time to learn or practice English. If you can afford a class or tutor, it is a great way to make sure you meet your language learning goals.


If you’re learning independently, EZ-Teach recommends finding a workbook with audio accompaniment.

(Image Source: Armin Rimoldi)

2. Get a Workbook

Whether you have a teacher / tutor or not, make sure you have a workbook that can provide you with practice. Teachers and tutors can recommend different workbooks so that you have some extra support and guidance when you’re working alone and learning how to learn English.

Look for workbooks with answer keys so that you check work yourself or find out where you went wrong if you made a mistake. We also recommend that you look for ones that come with audio accompaniment. This is especially important if you are learning independently and you do not have any outside help from native speakers. If you spend too much time only reading and writing concepts, you might end up learning some “unique” ways of pronouncing words. Having audio accompaniment allows you to hear how each word is pronounced.

Overall, workbooks can be a handy resource for learning new concepts or to help reinforce the concepts you’ve already learned at some point. You can also find free audio lessons online. Browse through these short audio lessons provided free from elllo.


Don’t set unrealistic goals; decide on a simple goal to start with so that you don’t feel overwhelmed.

(Image Source: Pixabay)

3. Start Slowly

When learning how to learn English, start slowly. Set some simple and attainable goals to get started so that you aren’t temped to give up right away. For example, you could try to:

  • Learn a simple dialogue

  • Study 30 new vocabulary words

  • Practice a new grammar concept

  • Write an email

  • Read a children’s story

When it comes to developing conversational and pronunciation skills, you’ll especially want to start slowly. If people are always speaking too quickly for you to understand, you can get lost in conversation or misunderstand how words are said.

If you study with a teacher or tutor, they will naturally slow down to help you. However, if you are working on your own, here are some ideas to try:

  • Listen to podcasts or recordings that you can slow down, speed up or pause

  • Watch videos, TV shows or the news with captions on; ideally, you’ll also want to be able to slow these recordings down or speed them up

  • Listen to the radio

  • Listen to English songs; after you listen, read the lyrics and then listen again so you can identify vocabulary

  • Listen to recordings of children’s stories that have been read aloud; these stories are often easier to understand

If you start slowly and gradually introduce material that is more advanced, you’ll find that you will be able to understand more and more! You’ll probably be surprised at what you’ve picked up just by listening.

Below is a video from Kendra’s Language School. It is called “Slow & Basic American English Listening & Speaking Practice with Short Stories”. The reader is speaking slowly, so you can repeat the sentences aloud as you listen along.


Watch the video above and listen to these short stories at a slower pace.

4. Practice Every Day

When learning how to learn English, remember that repetition encourages retainment. Your brain needs to be regularly interacting with English vocabulary and concepts to develop new patterns of thinking. By doing a bit of practice or study each day, even for a little bit of time, you’ll gradually train your brain to think in new ways and new memory will be developed.

If repetition sounds boring or burdensome, vary up your learning plan. Try a language learning game, try Duolingo on your phone, or memorize vocabulary with Anki. Watch a show on TV or Netflix one evening and listen to an English song the next.


Find a conversation partner so you can practice listening and speaking.

(Image Source: Christina Morillo)

5. Practice by Speaking English Conversationally

Another key in learning how to learn English is conversation. Conversation is likely one of your main goals as an English-language learner, so find a person or a group of people who you can practice with. Being around lots of other people who speak English is good because it is a type of immersion. You’ll hear others speaking and therefore pick up new vocabulary.

By meeting with others for conversation, you’ll also become familiar with common expressions. Plus, you’ll learn the correct pronunciation of certain words and phrases.

You can meet up 1:1 or in a small group online with a tutor here through EZ-Teach. Also, if you are looking for people to meet up face to face, try looking up language exchanges and other social events in a city near you.

Other Questions/Topics

A. How Can I Learn English by Myself?

For those of you who are thinking of learning English by yourself, here are some suggestions:

  1. Determine Your Goals

    Decide what your goals are before you begin. By setting specific and clear goals, it’ll be easier to attain them.

  2. Build Vocabulary

    Whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced student, you can always build your vocabulary. But start with commonly used words and phrases. You can try using flashcards, vocabulary apps, or online resources like Duolingo or Anki to expand your vocabulary.

  3. Read Regularly

    You can practise reading English newspapers, books, articles, and blogs. Start with material that matches your current proficiency level and gradually challenge yourself with more complex texts. You can also consider joining online reading clubs or forums to discuss what you've read with other - you’ll hit 2 birds with 1 stone!

  4. Listen

    Practise your listening skills by listening to English podcasts, radio programs, and/or audiobooks. You can also watch English movies, TV shows, and YouTube videos. This will help you improve your listening skills and get accustomed to different accents and speaking speeds.

  5. Speak

    Even if you have to talk to yourself, make sure you add speaking to your learning strategy. You can repeat phrases, have conversations with yourself, or record your voice and listen for areas of improvement. Consider finding language exchange partners or joining English-speaking communities online or in your local area.

  6. Learn Grammar

    Find a workbook that will help you learn English grammar and sentence structure so that you learn to express yourself clearly and accurately. You can find online or printed resources.

Remember, the key to successful self-learning is persistence and dedication. Celebrate your progress along the way and don't be afraid to make mistakes – they're an essential part of the learning process.


Watch one of our EZ-Teach shorts! Here are 3 tips for learning English on your own right from your home.

B. How to Learn English Easily Step by Step

If you’ve read the blog up until this point, you’ll already have an idea of some steps you can take to easily learn English. Let’s break it down again here to make the process easier. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you learn English effectively:

  1. Start with Basic Vocabulary and Phrases:

    • Begin by learning commonly used words and phrases in English. Focus on everyday vocabulary like greetings, numbers, colors, family, food, and activities.

    • Use flashcards, language learning apps, or online resources to practice and reinforce vocabulary.

    • Utilize vocabulary lists and language exercises to reinforce your learning.

  2. Learn Pronunciation:

    • Pay attention to English pronunciation rules and practice speaking aloud. Focus on sounds that may be different from your native language.

    • Listen to native speakers and mimic their pronunciation. You can use resources like YouTube tutorials or language learning apps for this purpose.

  3. Understand Basic Grammar:

    • Learn foundational grammar rules such as sentence structure, verb conjugation, tense usage, and basic punctuation.

    • Start with simple sentences and gradually progress to more complex structures as you feel comfortable.

    • Utilize grammar guides available in print or online.

  4. Practice Listening Skills:

    • Listen to English audio via podcasts, audiobooks, radio programs, and songs. Focus on understanding spoken English and identifying keywords.

    • Use subtitles or transcripts to help you follow along and improve comprehension.

  5. Read Regularly:

    • Read English books, newspapers, articles, and blogs. Start with material that is suitable for your level and gradually work up to more challenging material.

    • Start a journal and record new vocabulary

    • Try to understand the context in which words are used.

  6. Speak and Practice Conversation:

    • Practice speaking English as much as possible, even if it's just with yourself or in front of a mirror.

    • Find language exchange partners or join English-speaking groups to practice conversation and receive feedback.

    • Don't be afraid to make mistakes - that’s a natural part of learning!

  7. Write in English:

    • Practice writing in English by keeping a journal, writing short stories, composing emails, or participating in online forums.

    • Pay attention to spelling, grammar, and sentence structure. Review your writing and look for areas of improvement.

Don’t forget to take advantage of language learning apps, websites, and courses designed to help you learn English effectively. It’s also important to immerse yourself in English as much as possible. You can change the language settings on your devices, watch English movies and TV shows, and listen to English music. You can even label household items in English! Lastly, stay motivated and be consistent. Set achievable goals and celebrate your successes along the way. Dedicate time to learning and be patient with yourself - learning a language takes time and effort!

By following these steps and staying committed to your language learning journey, you can make significant progress in mastering the English language.


Here is the classic “ABC Song” that almost every English speaker learns when they are young - only this one is for adults!


C. How a Beginner Should Start Learning English

If you are a beginner starting to learn English, this next step by step guide is specifically for you as it focuses on building a strong foundation in the language.

  1. Learn the English Alphabet and Pronunciation:

    • Start by familiarizing yourself with the English alphabet and how each letter is pronounced.

    • Practice pronunciation by saying each letter aloud and listening to native speakers.

  2. Master Basic Vocabulary and Phrases:

    • Begin with essential vocabulary related to everyday topics such as greetings, numbers, colors, family members, food, and common activities.

    • Learn simple phrases and expressions for introducing yourself, asking for directions, ordering food, etc.

  3. Understand Basic Grammar Concepts:

    • Learn foundational grammar concepts such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns, and basic sentence structure.

    • Understand simple grammar rules such as subject-verb agreement, basic tenses (present simple, past simple, future), and prepositions.

  4. Practice Listening Skills:

    • Listen to simple English audio materials like nursery rhymes, songs, and short stories designed for beginners.

    • Focus on understanding basic vocabulary and common phrases used in everyday conversations.

  5. Start Reading Simple Texts:

    • Begin with beginner-level English books, children's stories, or graded readers specifically designed for language learners.

    • Start with short texts and gradually increase the complexity as you become more comfortable.

  6. Speak and Practice Pronunciation:

    • Practice speaking English aloud, even if it's just repeating simple phrases or sentences.

    • Focus on correct pronunciation and try to mimic native speakers as closely as possible.

    • Use language learning apps or online resources with speech recognition features to practice pronunciation and receive feedback.

  7. Write Simple Sentences and Texts:

    • Practice writing simple sentences and short paragraphs using the vocabulary and grammar structures you've learned.

    • Start with basic writing exercises like filling in the blanks, writing descriptions of familiar objects, or completing simple prompts.

  8. Use Language Learning Apps and Resources:

    • Take advantage of beginner-friendly language learning apps, websites, and courses designed to introduce English to beginners.

    • Use flashcards, vocabulary exercises, and interactive lessons to reinforce your learning.

  9. Find a Language Learning Partner or Tutor:

    • Consider finding a language exchange partner or tutor who can help you practice speaking and provide guidance as you learn.

    • Practice conversational English with your partner or tutor and ask for feedback on your pronunciation and grammar.

By following these steps, staying dedicated and consistent in your efforts, you can build a solid foundation in English as a beginner. Remember to be patient with yourself and embrace the learning process at your own pace.


Learning a new language takes time, but you’ll achieve greater success faster if you set clear goals right from the start.

(Image Source: Skitterphoto)

D. How To Learn English Fast

Learning English quickly requires dedication, immersion, and effective study strategies. While becoming fluent in any language takes time, here are some tips to accelerate your learning process:

  1. Set Clear Goals: Define your reasons for learning English and set specific, achievable goals. Having a clear purpose will keep you motivated and focused on your learning journey.

  2. Immerse Yourself: Surround yourself with the English language as much as possible. Change the language settings on your devices to English, listen to English music, watch English movies and TV shows, and try to think and speak in English throughout the day.

  3. Focus on High-Frequency Vocabulary: Learn the most commonly used words and phrases in English first. These words will allow you to communicate effectively in a wide range of situations. Use flashcards, vocabulary apps, or frequency lists to prioritize your learning.

  4. Practice Speaking Regularly: Speaking is a crucial aspect of language learning. Find opportunities to practice speaking with native speakers, language exchange partners, or tutors. Join English-speaking communities or clubs where you can engage in conversation and receive feedback on your speaking skills.

  5. Utilize Language Learning Apps and Resources: Take advantage of language learning apps and websites that offer interactive lessons, quizzes, and activities. Apps like Duolingo, Babbel, Rosetta Stone, and FluentU can help you learn English in a fun and engaging way.

  6. Focus on Listening Comprehension: Improve your listening skills by listening to English podcasts, radio programs, audiobooks, and YouTube videos. Try to expose yourself to a variety of accents and speaking styles to become more comfortable with understanding spoken English.

  7. Practice Active Learning: Engage actively with the language by speaking, writing, reading, and listening on a daily basis. Use a variety of resources and study methods to reinforce your learning and make connections between different aspects of the language.

  8. Set Aside Dedicated Study Time: Create a regular study schedule and commit to consistent practice. Dedicate focused study sessions to different language skills, such as vocabulary building, grammar practice, and conversation practice.

  9. Seek Feedback and Correction: Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Instead, view them as opportunities for learning and improvement. Seek feedback from native speakers, language teachers, or language exchange partners to identify areas where you can improve and correct errors.

Remember that learning a language takes time and effort, so be patient with yourself and stay focused on your goals. By following these tips and incorporating English into your daily life, you can make significant progress in learning the language quickly. Don’t forget to celebrate your progress along the way. And don't get discouraged by setbacks - Keep your goals in mind and stay committed to your language learning journey!


No matter where you live, you can learn with others through EZ-Teach.

(Image Source: cottonbro studio)


Learn English With EZ-Teach!

Having support from others can help you learn a new language and stay motivated. If you are looking for support, EZ-Teach would be glad to help! We provide Online ESL Classes, Curriculum, and other Educational Resources to help you or those you are teaching to succeed.

If you have questions about how to learn English, contact us here at EZ-Teach. We can suggest a tutor, help you find curriculum, point you towards resources, or answer other questions you may have about learning English.


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