Grade 12 World Issues Online Course For Admission To Canadian Universities
Prerequisite: Any university or university/college preparation course in Canadian and world studies, English, or social sciences and humanities
Grade: 12 (University)
Availability: WISS Online
At Waterloo Independent Secondary School (WISS), we offer a wide range of online grade 12 courses for students to help prepare for their studies at Canadian universities. Our World Issues course allows students to study and consider how we can make the world a more sustainable and equitable place for all. Students have the opportunity to learn more about environmental, social, and geopolitical interrelationships and how they impact everyone on earth. To learn more about this course, continue reading below, or contact us now to find out more about applying to WISS.
CGW4U online looks at the global challenge of creating a more sustainable and equitable world. Students will explore a range of issues involving environmental, economic, social, and geopolitical interrelationships, and will examine governmental policies related to these issues. In CGW4U online, students will apply the concepts of geographic thinking and the geographic inquiry process, including spatial technologies, to investigate these complex issues, including their impact on natural and human communities around the world.
Perspective and Issue Analysis
Essential Question: How are issues best confronted from a local, national, or global perspective?
In this unit, students will examine the nature of issues in the world and focus on perspective and the consumption of information about global ideas and events through news media. Key questions include; ‘What is an issue?’; ‘What makes an idea or event relevant to Canadians?’; ‘How are issues best confronted from a local, national, or global perspective?’ Rather than plunging headlong into a detailed study of any of the issue areas covered in the course, this unit concentrates on three preliminary but important matters: the basic facts of world geography today, a familiarization with the common approaches to perceiving issues on the planet, and the dissemination of information about world issues via news media.
Globalization, Sustainability, and Stewardship
Essential Question: What are the implications of spreading culture, economics, and politics throughout the globe?
In this unit, students will examine the concepts of Westernization, modernization, globalization and sustainability. For thousands of years, people—and, later, corporations—have been buying from, and selling to, each other in lands at great distances, such as through the famed Silk Road across Central Asia that connected China and Europe during the Middle Ages. Likewise, for centuries, people and corporations have invested in enterprises in other countries. But policy and technological developments of the past few decades have spurred increases in cross-border trade, investment, and migration so large that many observers believe the world has entered a qualitatively new phase in its economic development and, consequently, its ecological footprint.
Human Population Issues
Essential Question: What are the regional and global implications of demographic trends?
In this unit, students will begin with an examination of the terminology and basic tools of demography, including global population trends, evolutionary patterns of world population growth, population projections and policies. From there, students will account for the rising volume of international migration around the world in recent years, the types and incidence of migration flows, impacts of international migrant flows, and international migration issues occurring in the world.
Food Issues
Essential Question: What are the considerations for food supply, availability, and distribution throughout the globe?
In this unit, students will assess the nutritional value of the food they consume, compare food consumption patterns across the world, and evaluate solutions to ongoing problems associated with food availability. Canadians are fortunate enough to live in a country with the geographic qualities and level of development required to produce and acquire food products that exceed their individual needs. Most Canadians take for granted that the food quality, quantity, and variety will always be available at their local retailers. For those who live in equatorial regions of the world, however, the path to obtaining food security is complicated by persistent droughts, civil strife, overpopulation, and disease.
Wealth Disparity Issues
Essential Question: What are the implications of regional economics on a global scale of economic disparity?
In this unit, students will explore three facets of global disparity in the material standard of living: first, its dimensions and geography; second, its underlying causes and the issues it typically gives rise to in both rich and poor regions; and third, possible remedies. This unit will cover concepts such as the Rostow Model of Economic Development, Sachs’s “The Geography of Poverty and Wealth”, the legacy of colonialism, the growth of transnational corporations and free trade, and the problems with international development assistance.
Final Exam
Proctored Exam
Percentage: 30% Of Final Grade
This exam is the final evaluation of CGW4U online. Students need to arrange their final exam 10 days in advance. All coursework should be completed and submitted before writing the final exam, please be advised that once the exam is written, any outstanding coursework will be given a grade of zero. The exam will be two hours.
Have Questions?
Contact us to learn more about registering for this online Grade 12 World Issues course. We are always happy to help answer your questions and would be glad to help you apply.