The Challenge of Balancing Homeschooling and Socialization

In our next educational blog, EZ-Teach is going to tackle the topic of homeschooling and socialization. Unfortunately, there is a common misconception that homeschooled children will grow up to be socially awkward or unable to integrate successfully into society. In response to these beliefs, we want to assist parents in figuring out how to make sure their child gets sufficient socialization despite being homeschooled. Here are some of the questions we’ll answer:

1. What is Socialization?

2. Why is Socializing Your Child Important?

3. How Does Socialization Impact Childhood Development?

4. What are Some Risks of Socialization?

5. How can Homeschool Parents Help in the Socialization of Their Children?

While it is challenging to balance homeschooling and socialization, we hope to give you some helpful ideas. Also, if you want to share some ideas with us, we’d love to hear from you too!


Let’s talk about homeschooling and socializing - it can work. (Image Source: Kampus Production)


5 Questions About Homeschooling and Socialization

1. What is Socialization?

Socialization. You likely understand the word even if you can’t exactly define it.

The Encyclopaedia Britannica defines socialization as “the process whereby an individual learns to adjust to a group (or society) and behave in a manner approved by the group (or society). According to most social scientists, socialization essentially represents the whole process of learning throughout the life course and is a central influence on the behaviour, beliefs, and actions of adults as well as of children.”

Since we are looking at homeschooling and socialization in this blog, it is important to understand that the homeschooling parent is responsible for the socialization of their child(ren). They guide their children in learning how to behave in socially acceptable and pleasant manners.


Teach your children how to relate with others and enjoy friendship. (Image Source: Michael Morse)

2. Why is Socializing Your Child Important?

In a study called “The Impact of Socialisation on Children’s Prosocial Behaviour. A Study on Primary School Students“ by the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, prosocial behaviour is important because of its positive impact on children and adolescents. For example, the study indicates that prosocial behaviour:

  • Reduces depression

  • Reduces aggressive behaviours

  • Promotes academic success

  • Promotes well-being

When children learn and practice positively relating to others, they develop healthy relationship patterns. For example, they learn to trust others, share, and gain confidence in themselves.

On the flip side, not allowing your child to interact with others can result in them not developing healthy social behaviours. For example, giving children too much screen time can result in patterns and feelings of isolation.

Make sure you set your child(ren) up for success in their relationships by modelling and teaching them about prosocial behaviours. As a parent, learn to enjoy the benefit of planning both homeschooling and socialization for your children.


Prosocial behaviour, like sharing, leads to greater well-being. (Image Source: Vika Glitter)

3. How Does Socialization Impact Childhood Development?

Socialization provides children with the skills, values, and habits necessary to integrate successfully into society and community. Through socialization, children learn:

  • Language skills & communication

  • Social norms

  • Empathy

  • Emotional regulation

  • Sharing

  • Building friendships

  • Self-confidence

  • Problem-solving

In early childhood development, children observe many responses and actions. They begin to model and develop behaviours, so we as adults must be intentional about encouraging social interaction, particularly positive social interactions.


While socialization is positive, be prepared to help kids manage negative emotions. (Image Source: Mikhail Nilov)

4. What are Some Risks of Socialization?

Socialization is an expected aspect of human development, but there are potential risks involved. For example, socialization opens up children to the following:

  • Bullying

  • Ostracization

  • Loneliness

  • Aggression or violence

  • Uncomfortable expectations

As a parent, you must help your child develop healthy boundaries in their relationships with others. Talk about your child’s experiences so you are aware of what is going on in their life and the emotions your child is dealing with. You can help guide them in managing problems as they arise. At times, you may even have to intervene on their behalf.


Plan social events for your children to help encourage social development. (Image Source: Kampus Production)

5. How can Homeschool Parents Help in the Socialization of Their Children?

Parents who homeschool can help in the socialization of their children by encouraging and arranging social experiences. For example, parents can consider the following activities:

  • Join a Homeschool Group (This is a great start to socializing your children. As a group of homeschooling parents, you can arrange field trips and events for your children!)

  • Sports groups

  • Clubs

  • Trips

  • Public/community events

  • Church groups

  • Music groups

  • Theatre groups

Also, parents can encourage friendships with other families who have similar-aged children. Once meeting, children may not become close friends, but they will have the opportunity to practice social skills and learn the value of friendship. Homeschooling and socialization do not have to be at odds!


Children need a mix of homeschooling and socialization outside the home. (Image Source: Jess Foami)


Homeschooling With EZ-Teach

Are you considering homeschooling your child(ren)? Perhaps you are worried that your child(ren) will not get a sufficient balance of homeschooling and socialization with others outside of your home life.

You can put your mind at ease knowing that you can provide a healthy mix for your child(ren). There are many avenues for your child(ren) to experience healthy socialization and it all starts in the home, especially if your child has siblings! After all, isn’t that how we first learn to share?

If you are considering homeschooling, follow us at EZ-Teach. Read our blog or check out our curriculum, online ESL, and other educational resources. We want to help families succeed in raising happy and healthy children equipped with the knowledge and skills they need for the future. Here’s to you!


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