Your Free Homeschool Planner: Downloadable PDF Booklet

Download Your Free Homeschool Planner Below!

Simply put in your email address and hit the “Download Now” button. Once you submit, the Homeschool Planner Free PDF will automatically open up for you.

Continue reading below to learn how you can get the most out of your homeschool planner, or contact us now to learn more.


Affordable Resources By EZ-Teach

At EZ-Teach, we are committed to helping homeschooling parents access affordable and helpful resources. We understand the unique challenges that homeschooling parents face on a daily basis - one of those challenges being organization!

Our free Homeschool Planner is designed to be a simple yet practical way to plan your day, your month, and your year; with daily schedules, weekly and yearly goals, reading, field trips and menu plans, and much more.


A Quick Glance at Our Free Homeschool Planner:

Download the free PDF by filling in your email above, or if you have any questions about our homeschool resources and how you can access the best courses, curriculums, tutors, and more, contact us today.


A Quick Guide To Your Homeschool Planner


How Do I Download The Planner?

Step One: Fill In Your Email Address

To download the planner, you simply need to fill in your email address into the form at the top of the page. Then, once you hit the “Download Now” button, the homeschool planner PDF file will automatically open up on your computer.

Step Two: Download Documents

From there, you can print the documents, or you can download it on to your computer. If you have Adobe Acrobat, you can add text directly to the PDF files on your computer.

Step Three: Choose Your Pages

You can choose what pages to print; for example, you may want to bring many of the daily plan pages, but only one of the Quote Of The Year pages.

Step Four: Add Printed Pages To Binder (If You Want!)

The files are 8.5 x 11 inches, which is the standard size for printer paper. To keep your pages organized, you may choose to add them to a binder, or simply add a clip to keep them together.


How To Get The Most From Your Planner

Our planner is designed with versatility in mind. We understand that homeschooling parents each have their own unique schedules, personal values, and styles of schooling. That is one of the reasons why you probably chose to homeschool (among other benefits)- so that you could enjoy more flexibility with your child’s educational plan!

Each page in the home school planner can be printed individually so that you can include it, exclude it, or print it as many times as needed.

Our simple design makes it easy to customize for your needs

We decided to create our planner with a minimalistic design. Learn more about the pages included in your planner:

  • Daily schedule: A simple list that includes space for time and activity/plan/meal etc.

  • Week at a glance: A space for a brief overview of the school week (Mon - Fri)

  • Daily planning schedules Monday - Friday: Pages that outline lesson plans, meal plans, and extra notes

  • Daily log: Record what went well during the day, and what could be improved/challenges faced

  • Weekly leaning goals: A list that includes space for multiple weekly goals and notes

  • Yearly goals: A space to track three “big” yearly goals

  • Reading list: A tracker to record books read and date completed

  • Menu plan: Daily menu planning including breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks

  • Field trip plan: A list including date, location, and activity for field trips

  • Quote of the year: A place to record a quote, verse, or inspiration to guide the year


Rely On EZ-Teach For The Best Homeschooling Resources

At EZ-Teach, we’re committed to enriching education. We offer unique resources that help connect parents to teachers with great curriculum, connect students to amazing teachers, and help home school parents get the support that they need. To learn more, contact us now!


How To Choose The Best Homeschool Curriculum For Your Child