EQAO Practice Test Grade 3 Options - 6 Great Ones
With the grade 3 EQAO testing coming up in May 2024, you may be like other parents or teachers looking for EQAO practice test grade 3 options.
EZ-Teach has a list of six great options, the first one being available right here on our site! Click on a specific resource listed below to read more about it, or learn about them all. We’ll give you a brief description of each, provide you with links, and tell you why we like it!
1. Test Prep Guides from On the Mark Press
2. Sample and Practice Tests Online from EQAO
3. EQAO Test Prep & Practice From Study.com
5. Past Grade 3 EQAO Tests from Halton District School Board
6. Math Test Solution Video by Anil Kumar
Ok, let’s get started with our look at six great EQAO practice test grade 3 options!
Start now and help your child or students prepare for Grade 3 EQAO testing in May and June.
Image Source: August de Richelieu
EQAO Practice Test Grade 3 Options
1. Test Prep Guides from On the Mark Press
Image Source: On The Mark Press
These 3 test prep guides are our favourite EQAO practice test grade 3 options. They include practice tests designed to be very similar to the actual test the students will be taking, and many of the questions are asked in a similar way so that students can get familiar with the questioning format. The guides are available for the following subjects:
Grade 3 Language: Includes lots of reading and writing practice with 10 tests in total.
Grade 3 Math: Features questions that target specific math skills to practice & questions that have students identifying and practicing a combination of all the math skills; 10 tests in total.
Grade 3 Math & Math: Combines all the elements of both guides in one! Includes 10 language tests and 10 math tests.
These guides are available as e-books or enhanced e-books which allow students to enter their answers right into the workbook from their electronic devices.
Why We Like It:
We like these products because they are very thorough. They give teachers and students plenty of opportunities to practice and review a variety of specific skills without being too much to add to your already-busy schedule.
“Excellent resource to prepare my daughter, who is in Grade 3, for EQAO test. She does 1 test prep for language and math each week independently. I can see her confidence in writing and math has increased. Thank you for the excellent resource.”
2. Sample and Practice Tests Online from EQAO
Image Source: EQAO
Click on the image above and you’ll be led to EQAO’s very own sample test online for language and mathematics. There are a total of 11 questions for language and 22 questions for math with answers provided. This is an online tool in which different tools can be used, such as text-to-speech or highlighters and line readers. There is even an English-French glossary for mathematics.
Why We Like It:
We like this sample test program because, while it is short, it is easy to use with drag-and-drop answers and the click of buttons! It also comes directly from EQAO and it is free.
3. EQAO Test Prep & Practice From Study.com
Image Source: Pixabay
Study.com offers free online options for your children or students to use for practice as well, including:
EQAO Grade 3 Language: Test Prep & Practice Course and Final Exam
EQAO Grade 3 Math: Test Prep & Practice Course and Final Exam
The courses themselves are very thorough. The language course offers 79 different lessons with each lesson averaging 8 minutes while the math course offers 111 lessons with each lesson averaging 8 minutes. The lessons even include engaging videos that break down specific concepts.
The exams are shorter and include 15 questions that are multiple choice. Answers are provided and a timer can also be used.
Why We Like It:
We like this resource because it is free and there are a lot of video lessons to choose from. You can look through the syllabus and pick what skills you want to review.
4. EQAO Math Video Solutions
Watch the video above to see past questions and solutions to grade 3 EQAO math questions.
This free online resource offers video solutions for past grade 3 math questions, specifically from the following years:
While these videos are only available for grade 3 math and not language, this is a great tool to show kids what questions look like and the steps involved in solving and answering problems. In the video above, you can see how the teacher explains the term used in the question, too. This is really helpful for students to see as they must take these steps of understanding a question before attempting to answer it.
Why We Like It:
These videos are easy to follow and the teacher walks students through the solution process. The teacher highlights things, adds notes and explains the thought processes of the solution. He is easy to follow and doesn’t speak too fast either!
5. Past Grade 3 EQAO Tests from Halton District School Board
Image Source: Cottonbro Studio
This free resource includes past EQAO questions released for students to use as practice. The most recent tests available are:
These resources are google docs, so they can be printed out and used as test papers or answered digitally. The language questions are especially helpful because you’ll find passages for students to practice reading through. The tests give everyone a glimpse into the types of questions asked, such as multiple-choice and open-ended questions
Why We Like It:
We like this resource because these are fairly recent tests that come straight from EQAO. You can run through these tests to see what your child/student already knows and doesn’t know. You’ll also discover what types of questions are used and can give your child tips on how to tackle different types of questions.
6. Grade 3 Math Test Solution Video by Anil Kumar
Watch Mr. Kumar show you how to solve grade 3 EQAO math questions.
This is another video that kids can use to see the math test questions from 2018 and watch how the questions are solved. Mr. Anil Kumar explains the questions and works them out himself, showing his work by hand and leading us through the answers verbally. This is another great tool to help students understand what sorts of questions are asked and how to approach solutions. He is like your own private tutor. Remember, you can pause the question and try them first before hearing and watching him solve the question.
Why We Like It:
We love videos and seeing different approaches to solving questions - they are free tips! Plus, Mr. Kumar even adds his email address in case you have questions. That is really kind - Thank you, Mr. Kumar!
EQAO tests can trigger test anxiety in kids. This video helps kids understand it and how to cope with it!
Final Thoughts From EZ-Teach
We hope you found something helpful in this list of EQAO practice test grade 3 options. It is important that grade 3 students practice before the test so that they build confidence and perform at their best. Here are some tips for helping your child practice:
Don’t do too much work at once; try a couple of questions a day well ahead of the test week.
Vary up your practice - Watch a video one time and then try using the online EQAO sample test program to mix it up.
Pick out some language and math terms that you see in the test questions and ask your child to explain them to you; if they don’t know them, then you’ll know what they need help with.
Practice some stress-relieving exercises like deep breathing or visual imagery.
Unless you homeschool your child, talk to your child’s teacher to see what review might be helpful.
There are different ways to help your child prepare for the test and to help reduce their test anxiety, but you can also reassure them that the test results do not affect their grades (though it might help explain their strengths and weaknesses). Above all, remind them that no test result can define their worth.
For more information on grade 3 EQAO testing, have a look at one of our other popular blog articles, EQAO Practice Test Grade 3. We wish you all the best with your EQAO practice and would be happy to hear from you if you have questions or concerns.