EQAO Grade 6 - Everything You Need To Know As A Parent

While many parents will be familiar with EQAO Grade 6 testing because their son or daughter first tested in Grade 3, some may still have a lot of questions about how to prepare their kids for the upcoming tests and how to help them relieve test anxiety.

EZ-Teach has created this article to help answer some of your most common questions. Click on the links below to get answers to specific questions or keep reading and scroll your way through the following 12 questions, answers and tips.


Help your child navigate the EQAO Grade 6 Test with help from EZ-Teach!

Image Source: Tima Miroshnichenko


EQAO Grade 6


1. What is the EQAO test for Grade 6?

Before we get into the details of what the EQAO Grade 6 Test is, you might want to first have a look at one of our other blog posts, EQAO Meaning - What Does EQAO Stand For, especially if you are totally new to EQAO. We will give you a heads up though: EQAO does not stand for Evil Questions Attacking Ontario!

By Grade 6, students have already encountered EQAO testing because the first set of standardized testing occurs in Grade 3. The same material is tested, Reading, Writing, and Mathematics, but it extends to cover material that students are expected to have learned by the end of Grade 6 as outlined in the Ontario Elementary Curriculum.

You can check what your child is expected to know for Reading and Writing by looking at the Language Curriculum, and for Mathematics by looking at the 2020 revised Mathematics Curriculum.


You can reassure students by reminding them that failing the EQAO test does not result in failing Grade 6.

Image Source: Andrea Piacquadio


2. What happens if you fail the EQAO Grade 6 test?

If a student fails the EQAO Grade 6 test, nothing happens. Your child does not need to repeat the test or Grade 6. The test does not affect their grades either. Having said that though, a failure of the EQAO Grade 6 test may indicate that your child may need some extra help.

Perhaps there are some concepts that your son or daughter doesn’t understand, or maybe they have a learning disability that has impacted their ability to do well on the test. Parents can see their child’s scores and this may be helpful in identifying what issues are of concern as well as those that are not of concern.


Grade 6 EQAO test results like this sample above are meant to help assess and improve the quality of Ontario’s public education.

Image Source: EQAO Results


3. What is the EQAO Grade 6 test for?

Now let’s just say that many people actually wonder whether or not the EQAO testing is necessary at all - and some people have strong opinions about this!

Regardless of where you stand on the issue, the EQAO Test for Grade 6 students is meant to help keep the Ontario Ministry of Education accountable and measure the effectiveness of the Ontario curriculum as it relates to general literacy.

The testing also gives parents, teachers and school administrators an idea of how each child compares to provincial averages. So, the EQAO test does help parents get a glimpse into how their child is progressing and what concepts they have grasped and what concepts they have yet to.


4. Do EQAO Grade 6 tests count for anything?

The EQAO does not count toward a student’s grades at school. The results can be used to help identify which concepts students struggle with and help indicate to educators and parents or guardians what material needs to be reinforced or taught differently.

The results provide information about how students are progressing in general, how effective the Ontario curriculum is and how it can improve. Standardized tests have less of an impact on students and more of an impact on educators, administrators, policymakers and other researchers.

Also, the school’s collective results will be made known publicly and can be used to compare to other schools in terms of student achievement. You can see each school’s results with this online tool.


Practice EQAO questions will help students prepare for the test and feel confident when the day comes.

Image Source: Andrea Piacquadio


5. How to help your child prepare for the EQAO Grade 6 test

Although the Grade 6 EQAO test does not count towards your child’s final marks, the results from the test still offer insight into your child’s literacy development. The testing is actually a good opportunity for your child to review important concepts related to reading, writing and mathematics. To help students, EZ-Teach features the following 3 Prep Guides:


You can find out more about these guides by clicking on the pictures above or by browsing our curriculum page. With these guides, your Grade 6 students will have access to practice tests that are very similar to the real EQAO tests themselves. Below is a brief summary of the types of questions children will see.

Grade 6 Language Test Prep

Questions will target students’ understanding of:

  • Fiction

  • Nonfiction

  • A Newspaper Article

  • A Friendly Letter (Tip: Here is a free guide on letter-writing from Literacy Ideas)

  • Informational Text

The practice tests also offer plenty of writing practice as students are asked to write sentences, paragraphs, short stories, instructions, a description, a movie review, a poem, a letter, and a newspaper article. Students will also answer questions featuring essential grammar and writing skills.

Grade 6 Math Test Prep

Questions will target students’ understanding of:

  • Number Sense and Numeration

  • Patterning and Algebra

  • Measurement

  • Geometry

  • Spatial Sense

  • Data Management

  • Probability

The practice tests also feature mixed math skills with questions that are a combination of all the math skills.

Remember, giving your child the opportunity to prepare for the tests also helps them alleviate test-taking anxiety and helps them know ahead of time what to expect and anticipate on the test. Here’s what one customer said about the Gr. 6 Math and Language Test Prep Guide (E-book): “The book is really valuable. I got this for my kid to help him prepare for EQAO. He started using it and found it very useful.”

If you’d like more help preparing your child for EQAO Grade 6, you can also go to the EQAO website to see their Sample Test. Or, check out TVO Learn to see their free Grade 6 Language and Math resources.


Help students gain confidence and score well on the Gr. 6 EQAO Test with the tips below.

Image Source: Andrea Piacquadio


6. Keys to scoring well on a Grade 6 EQOA test

We realize that no one can predict exactly how your child will perform on the test, but there are some ways to help your son or daughter do well. Here are some tips:

1. Don’t wait until the last minute.

  • Review schoolwork regularly

  • If your child is struggling in school, consider getting them extra help

Whether it’s formally hiring a tutor or sending them to an afterschool program, or informally spending 1:1 time with your child reviewing problems together, make sure you make the time.

At this grade level, your child may benefit from working with a peer or older sibling, too.


Parents can boost their child’s self-esteem by taking an interest in their children’s work and progress.

Image Source: Photo by Annushka Ahuja


Remember, a minor intervention early on can often help you avoid greater challenges down the road. By the time this blog is posted, the school year won’t even be half finished. That means you still have lots of time to help your child improve at school and even start or develop some new and better study habits.

2. Know what your child is expected to know in Grade 6 Language and Math.

As mentioned, take time to review homework together with your children so you can help them understand concepts that may be challenging for them. Kids may feel more comfortable asking questions at home with you or an older sibling than at school among their peers, so try to make a safe space for them to tell you if there is anything they are struggling with.

Even if you can’t help them yourself, you’ll be able to get them some help. Having parental support will boost your child’s confidence. You can read this article from KidsHealth to learn more about how to help support your kids in school: 10 Ways to Help Your Child Succeed in Elementary School.

3. Use the practice guides and tests available to help your child understand how to read and carefully follow instructions.

Sometimes students don’t understand a question or they jump too quickly to answer a question before understanding what the question actually asks of them.

You can even practice during dinner at home by giving them multi-step instructions to follow as you prepare a meal or set the table together.


Ontario public school students must take the Gr. 6 EQAO Test.

Image Source: Norma Mortenson


7. Is EQAO mandatory?

Yes, unless the student is homeschooled, all students who attend public schools in Ontario are required to take the Grade 6 EQAO test. If you are homeschooling your child, then they do not need to do the EQAO testing.

However, homeschoolers have the option to do the EQAO testing. Parents just need to inquire about their local school board to find out how they can participate.


8. What are the current EQAO scores?

Based on the most recent EQAO Grade 6 testing in 2021-2022, here are the following results:

Reading: 85% of students met or exceeded provincial standards

Writing: 84% of students met or exceeded provincial standards

Mathematics: 47% of students met or exceeded provincial standards

Compared with 2018-2019 results, there was an increase in Reading and a decrease in Mathematics while the results in Writing remained the same (See a highlight of the results here).

Keep in mind though that EQAO was paused for two years during the COVID-19 pandemic, and a new mathematics curriculum was introduced in 2020-2021. So students are still catching up after all these changes and challenges.


Currently, the Language portion of the EQAO test takes about 1.5 hours to write while the Mathematics portion takes about 2 hours to complete. Image Source: Katerina Holmes


9. How many questions is the EQAO Grade 6 test?

The language portion of the EQAO test includes 29 questions.

There are 26 questions where the student has to select the correct answer provided (drop-down menu, checklist, drag and drop type questions, etc.) and 3 questions that are open-response.

The math portion involves 48 total questions, 44 operational-type questions and 4 field-test questions.


10. How much does it cost to run EQAO?

While we can’t say with precision how much it costs to run, it definitely costs a fair bit of money to organize and administer tests, and then score, analyze, interpret and present the data to the public. According to an article published by CBC in June 2022, EQAO testing costs about $50 per student tested. If you search online, you’ll see people making comments that it costs taxpayers over $30 million dollars to run EQAO.


Students in Ontario are expected to take the Gr. 6 EQAO, however there are some exceptions.

Image Source: Kampus Production


11. Can parents opt out of EQAO?

There are 2 situations which permit for opting out of the EQAO.

  1. Private Schools are not required to participate in EQAO testing but often do. If your child goes to a private school, then it depends on whether that school is participating in EQAO testing or not.

  2. Parents homeschooling their children may opt-out of the testing as well. The Canadian Homeschooler notes: “You do have the legal option for your children to take the EQAO in grades 3, 6 and 9 and the Literacy test in Gr. 10, but they are not required.”


12. Which schools do EQAO testing and which schools do not?

All public school students in Ontario are required to participate in EQAO testing. Private school students and homeschool students are not required to participate; however, they may choose to participate (see above for more information).


EZ-Teach exists to help parents, educators and students succeed. We are rooting for you!


A note from EZ-Teach…


Thank you for visiting our blog. We hope these tips have helped prepare you and your child for the Grade 6 EQAO testing. We wish you and your students all the best!

If you have more questions about the testing or about EZ-Teach, we would be happy to hear from you. Please contact us here or click on the button below.


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EQAO Grade 3 - Everything You Need To Know As A Parent